Gregory Cuquel

Born in Baiona in 1980, Grégory Cuquel lives in Anglet, has his studio in Bidart, and teaches a course in volume at the École d'artÀ€â€š'' de l'Agglomération Côte Basque à¢'€'“ Adour in Baiona. Here he presents a series of graphite drawings on paper entitledÀ€â€š'' "jardin de brisement",À€â€š'' or Garden of Brokenness.

"I work listening to music, often that of William Basinski. I crush the graphite and mix it with oil and solvents, then rub it on the paper. The paper absorbs the graphite and with it the gestures and actions that give rise to the shapes and form that emerge.

"Time is an important element in the process. Curves, folds and interstices illustrate the mental architectures and pathways inspired by the music. Once the process is complete, the eye of the spectator is free to rove through the landscape thus created."

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Gregory Cuquel


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