Pierre Gauthier-Dubédat (Bordeaux, 1938) is an artist rooted in France's "lyrical abstraction" tradition.
Pierre Gauthier-Dubédat (Bordeaux, 1938) is an artist rooted in France's "lyrical abstraction" tradition.
March 04, 2020
For the 14th edition of our exhibition "Artea hika, artea noka - L'Art au féminin" marking International Women's Day, we are exhibiting the works of three artists who experiment with colour in different ways: Colette Dubuc, Josette Dacosta, and Oaia Peruarena.
A new exhibition space is opening in Uztaritze thanks to the initiative of graphic artist and painter iF Matxikote, a member of the board of Itzal aktiboa.
The pyramid made of recycled chairs painted by school children from the ikastolas of Baigorri, Donibane Garazi, Sohúta/Chéraute and Oztibarre has returned to Saint Jean Pied de Port after spending a month in Ordizia (Gipuzkoa) as part of an exhibition of paintings by Josette Dacosta.
Celia Eslava works in silence, putting together and pulling apart. Weaving is a constant theme in her work, and so is repetition. Memory is forged by repetition, she says. "We cannot recognize anything without repetition."
A bunch of old chairs: each with four feet, a seat, a back, some maybe with armrests. They enjoyed a long life, until the day when they seemed to be worn out
Blanca Ortiga (Hornos de Moncalvillo, La Rioja, 1984) participated last year in the competition for the Itzal Aktiboa Prize. She is working until June 30 with another artist, Miguel Alejos (Valencia, 1995), as artist in residence in the Habitación exhibition space of the Centro de Arte Contemporaneo in Huarte (Navarre).
One of the principal objectives of our association is to introduce children to the process of artistic creation. In our current exhibition of paintings by Christine Etchevers, as in all our exhibitions, we are organising visits for school groups.
Irati Inoriza (Balmaseda, 1992) and Natacha Sansoz (Carcassonne, 1981), the two artists chosen in the Itzal Aktiboa 2018 prize contest for a six-week residency at the Huarte Contemporary Art Centre, will present their work in progress to the public on Friday 15 February and Saturday 16 February.
Maite Pinto (Logroño, 1993) has been chosen as winner of the Itzal Aktiboa Prize for her project entitled "The Kindness of Strangers". Based on the experience of 4,000 Basque children who were sent to England in May 1937 as refugees from the Spanish Civil War, her series of aquatint etchings gives a moving account of a historical event that is highly relevant in today's world.
ItzalAktiboa - Zitadelaren karrika, 22 - 64220 DONIBANE GARAZI