October 21, 2013

Pantxoa Etchegoin, epaimahai burua eta Euskal Kultur Erakundeko zuzendariak, Veronica Domingo Alonso sariztatzerakoan, honen "lanaren kalitatea, teknika menperatzea eta, margoa, olerkia eta heldutasunaren lokarri bihurtzen den ikuspegi onirikoa eta poetikoa" azpimarratu ditu.

Verónica Domingo Alonso, of Getxo (Bizkaia), is the winner of the 2013 Itzal Aktiboa Prize for Young Talent in Contemporary Art.

Congratulating her on behalf of the jury, Pantxoa Etchegoin, its president and the director of the Basque Cultural Institute,À€â€š'' remarked on "the quality of her work, her mastery of technique, the link made between painting and poetry, and the maturity of her style".

Aged 24 and a graduate of the Faculty of Fine Arts at the University of the Basque Country in Bilbao, Verónica has just completed an M.A in Fine Art at Norwich University of the Arts in the U.K. For the Itzal Aktiboa Prize competition, she submitted a diptych of black ink on paper entitled "Entre los pliegues de la luz" (Between the folds of the light), created using the Monoprint technique and inspired by the writings of Basque poet Pablo González de Langarika.

The 2,000 euros prize is designed to reward a young artist of 35 years of age or less, living and working in the Basque Country. Some 25 artists took part in the competition, which was organised by Itzal Aktiboa in collaboration with the Basque Cultural Institute.

The Saint Jean Pied de Port Prize was awarded to Thomas Loyatho...

The second prize, named for the town of Saint Jean Pied de Port and amounting to 800 euros, was awarded to Thomas Loyatho, age 29, of Hasparren (Labourd), for his painting "Arrasortzea". The jury congratulated him on "the painterly quality" of his work, drawing on "the concept of renaissance through the reinterpretation of current imagery via a process of defiguration and deconstruction through memory in motion".

...and the Nautilus-Lanzarote Prize to Béranger Laymond

In third place, 31-year-old Béranger Laymond of Bidart (Labourd) won the Nautilus-Lanzarote Prize, consisting of an artist's residence in Lanzarote (Canary Islands), for his installation "En attendant mieux" ("Waiting for something better"). The scaled-down representation of a utopian city, made out of foam board, impressed the jury by the "originality of its installation, its occupation and dis-occupation of space, and its imaginary architectural design".

Alongside Pantxoa Etchegoin, the members of the jury were Marie-Claude Berger, art historian; Frédéric Duprat, Director of the Bayonne School of Art; Christine Etchevers, artist; Michel de Jaureguiberry, collector; Ismael Manterola, art historian and professor at the University of the Basque Country in Bilbao; Iñaki Olazabal, sculptor; and Antón Piñel, collector and patron of the arts.

Focusing on the climate crisis in a visual arts class

December 16, 2023

Over a three-month period, students at the Lycée Frantsesenia in Saint Jean Pied de Port were invited to reflect on the effects of the climate crisis, drawing inspiration from a painting by the artist Txiki Agirre "Keixeta".

Making contact with abstract art

October 18, 2023

Young people of different ages visited the exhibition of paintings by Oaia Peruarena in the Prison des Évêques in Saint Jean Pied de Port.

L'iceberg de Keixeta à Eperra ikastola

June 02, 2023

Intense hear, storms, floods, drought: the pupils of Eperra Ikastola, in Chéraute (Soule) addressed the climate crisis head on with the aid of Keixeta's painting "Izotz Mendia" ("Iceberg").

Les travaux des enfants

Friend or foe? A Minotaur in the classroom

February 23, 2023

Over several weeks, the children of Oztibarreko ikastola in Larceveau and those of Eperra ikastola in Chéraute shared their classrooms with a Minotaur.

"Les étapes de la vie" de Zoe Bray à l'ikastola de Garazi

November 18, 2021

Depuis quelques jours, les enfants de Garaziko ikastola à St Jean Pied de Port ont de nouveaux camarades de classe : sept personnages, d'À¢ge, de taille et d'allure différents, peints dans un tableau de deux mètres sur deux mètres par l'artiste Zoe Bray.

Gonzalo Etxebarriaren margolan bat eskolan

January 09, 2021

Ezin dira pandemia garaian haur multzoak erakustetxeetaratu artelanen ikustera. Baina eskoletara jinez bereganatzen ahal da artea. Hau da "margolan bat eskolan" Itzal-aktiboak bideratu egitasmoaren helburua.

Contact us

ItzalAktiboa - Zitadelaren karrika, 22 - 64220 DONIBANE GARAZI