Celia Eslava: weaving, repetition and the cycle of life
July 02, 2019
Celia Eslava works in silence, putting together and pulling apart. Weaving is a constant theme in her work, and so is repetition. Memory is forged by repetition, she says. "We cannot recognize anything without repetition."
"Through repetition, we learn. Memory looks back, repetition looks forward. For me, life is action; it's movement. And like the action of weaving, it's a slow and unstoppable construction that at one point comes to an end, just as it had its beginning.
"Weaving is a rough representation of what it means to build a life. It's a way of looking at ourselves, towards our interior. It's a way of constructing ourselves as individuals.
"To give form to these thoughts, I use wool, porcelain and glass, materials that are associated with traditional crafts with archaic connotations.
"I also establish a link between the language of textile and that of nature, because both are of slow construction and represent a way of approaching the rhythm of life. My work is an allegory of the problems related to the female imagination."
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