Creating turmoil in the midst of chaos
May 03, 2023
Christian Saint Marc (Langon, 1963) spent his childhood surrounded by the paint pots and brushes of his father, an artisan painter. Journeys to Africa and then to Greece awakened his vocation as an artist. Since 1994, he has lived in the Basque Country, in Aïcirits.
In conversation with Maitena Diribarne of Itzal aktiboa, he discusses his paintings currently on exhibition in the Prison des Évêques in Saint Jean Pied de Port.
After experimenting with various trends in modern art over the past 35 years, he explains how he has developed his own style, which he describes as abstract impressionism.
Working with natural pigments, acrylics and oils, he builds up his canvases with collisions of colour. His goal: to create a chaos from the midst of which emerges a turmoil representative of present times.