In the small town of Bera, in Navarre, students at a local school are working to give a new destiny to a batch of dilapidated old chairs.

Focusing on the climate crisis in a visual arts class

Over a three-month period, students at the Lycée Frantsesenia in Saint Jean Pied de Port were invited to reflect on the effects of the climate crisis, drawing inspiration from a painting by the artist Txiki Agirre "Keixeta".

Watching order emerge from chaos

When she first began painting, Oaia Peruarena, like many artists, drew her inspiration from nature and landscapes, notably in the Basque Country's Baztan valley, where she learned to paint with local figurative artists José Mari Apezetxea and Tomás Sobrino.

A multidisciplinary artist living in San Sebastián, Iker Valle (Andoain, 1976) has developed an individual creative process in his studio in Hernani.

Christian Saint Marc (Langon, 1963) spent his childhood surrounded by the paint pots and brushes of his father, an artisan painter. Journeys to Africa and then to Greece awakened his vocation as an artist. Since 1994, he has lived in the Basque Country, in Aïcirits.

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ItzalAktiboa - Zitadelaren karrika, 22 - 64220 DONIBANE GARAZI