Oaia Peruarena (Irun, 1972) began her artistic training with Iñaki Alvarez (San Sebastian) and Maite Unzurrunzaga (Zarautz) and with the painters of the Baztan valley, José Mari Apezetxea and Tomás Sobrino.
Inspired by nature and the landscapes of Baztan, she initially devoted herself to figurative painting.Following a visit to the Reina Sofía Museum in Madrid, where she discovered the work of the Spanish-American abstract painter Esteban Vicente, she switched her focus to abstract painting.
Under the influence of artists such as Rafael Ruiz Balerdi, Joan Mitchell and Zao Wou-Ki, she strives for a free style ofexpression in which colour and gesture have an essential place.
In December 2022 she exhibited her paintings at La Ciudadela in Pamplona, and during the summer of 2023 she exhibited works combining painting and photography, created in collaboration with the photographer Patxi Laskarai, in two galleries in San Sebastian.
Place: Prison des Évêques
Town: Donibane Garazi