10/14 -> 10/19 || EXHIBITION IN DONIBANE GARAZI - SAINT JEAN PIED DE PORT, 22, rue de la Citadelle
Ttitto Aguerre (Uhart Cize, 1974) opens a series of three different...
10/14 -> 10/19 || EXHIBITION IN DONIBANE GARAZI - SAINT JEAN PIED DE PORT, 22, rue de la Citadelle
Ttitto Aguerre (Uhart Cize, 1974) opens a series of three different...
7 March 2014 6.30 p.m. Town Hall of Saint Jean Pied de Port, in the Town Hall of Saint Jean Pied de Port
Talk by Jacques Ospital, author of the book "Figures de...
2 November 2013 7.00 p.m. Casa de Cultura de Auritz-Burguete.
Talk by FermÃn Ezkieta Yaben, author of the book "Escape from the Fort of Ezkaba", which relates the story of the attempted...
Pantxoa Etchegoin, epaimahai burua eta Euskal Kultur Erakundeko zuzendariak, Veronica Domingo Alonso sariztatzerakoan, honen "lanaren kalitatea, teknika menperatzea eta, margoa, olerkia eta heldutasunaren lokarri bihurtzen den ikuspegi onirikoa eta poetikoa" azpimarratu ditu.
A jury of 12 leading personalities in the world of contemporary art in the Basque Country has selected five young artists as finalists for the 2013 Itzal Aktiboa Contemporary Art Prize.
Zaloa Ipiña, a young artist living and working in Bilbao, has won the Itzal aktiboa Prize for Contemporary Art for her photograph "Argi distira 7".
ItzalAktiboa - Zitadelaren karrika, 22 - 64220 DONIBANE GARAZI