Launched for the first time in 2011, the competition for the Itzal aktiboa Prize - Young Contemporary Art was organized again in 2013, 2015 and 2018. A fifth edition was planned for 2021 but had to be canceled because of the Covid19 pandemic.
Launched for the first time in 2011, the competition for the Itzal aktiboa Prize - Young Contemporary Art was organized again in 2013, 2015 and 2018. A fifth edition was planned for 2021 but had to be canceled because of the Covid19 pandemic.
November 24, 2023
Verónica Domingo Alonso, winner of the Itzal Aktiboa Prize for young contemporary artists in 2013, has been selected as one of three young Basque artists for a one-month fellowship in New York under the Guggenheim's 2023 Basque Artist Program.
Irati Inoriza (Balmaseda, 1992) and Natacha Sansoz (Carcassonne, 1981), the two artists chosen in the Itzal Aktiboa 2018 prize contest for a six-week residency at the Huarte Contemporary Art Centre, will present their work in progress to the public on Friday 15 February and Saturday 16 February.
Maite Pinto (Logroño, 1993) has been chosen as winner of the Itzal Aktiboa Prize for her project entitled "The Kindness of Strangers". Based on the experience of 4,000 Basque children who were sent to England in May 1937 as refugees from the Spanish Civil War, her series of aquatint etchings gives a moving account of a historical event that is highly relevant in today's world.
Seven artists chosen as finalists in the competition for the Itzal aktiboa Contemporary Art Prize 2018 - Taxio Ardanaz, Luis Olaso, Maite Pinto, Miriam Isasi, MarÃa Jiménez Moreno, Thomas...
Nautilus Lanzarote is once again joining Itzal aktiboa to support and encourage young artists by offering a two-week artistic residency in Lanzarote (Canary Islands) in the context of the competition for this year's Itzal aktiboa contemporary art prize.
In association with the Basque Cultural Institute and the Centre for Contemporary Art of Huarte (Navarre), we are organising the competition for the Itzal Aktiboa Prize for Young Talent in Contemporary Art 2018.
We are organising once again the competition for the Itzal Aktiboa Prize for Young Talent in Contemporary Art, in collaboration with the Basque Cultural Institute and the Centre for Contemporary...
Baionako Mickael Vivier hautatua izan da Itzal Aktiboak antolatzen duen "GazteArtea", sorkuntza garaikidearen saridun bezala.
Hirugarren aldikotz, Nautilus Lanzarotek Itzal Aktiboa elkartearekin bat egiten du, artista gazteen sustatzeko eta laguntzeko.
ItzalAktiboa - Zitadelaren karrika, 22 - 64220 DONIBANE GARAZI