Zoe Bray (Paris, 1974) is a naturalist painter trained in the studio of Charles H. Cecil and at the Florence Academy in Florence, Italy. She is also an anthropologist and has a doctorate from the European University Institute. She has worked in Italy, France, Spain, Germany, Israel, Palestine and the United States.
As an anthropologist-painter, Zoe explores the fluidity of identity in a world where it is constantly renationalized and essentialized. How do individuals define and negotiate their identity?
In this exhibition she presents two portraits forming part of a series that examines the Basque identity in the American West.
Elkarteko sortzaileak, kide aktiboak, ingurukoak edota Itzal Aktiboa Saria jaso zutenak dira eta orotara 51 obra jarri dutugu ikusgai: margolanak, eskulturak, instalazioak.