Zaloa Ipiña
Zaloa Ipiña is a visual artist with a degree in Fine Arts from the University of the Basque Country (UPV / EHU). She completed a master's degree in contemporary engraving at the CIEC Foundation in A Coruña. Interested from a very young age in social problems, her most recent artistic projects have had as a starting point the personal challenges that affect a large part of society, such as habitat, habitability, cultural uniformity, minority languages, etc. Her work elevates these problems to a poetic plasticity addressed from a personal and active perspective.
She has received several scholarships and grants for artistic creation, among others, from the BilbaoArte Foundation and the Provincial Council of Bizkaia, and she has carried out artistic residencies in places like Centre d'art contemporani Piramidón de Barcelona. In 2011, she won the Itzal aktiboa prize for contemporary young Basque artists
Among individual exhibitions, it is worth highlighting those held at the Bilbao Basque Museum (2020); the Tomas y Valiente Art Center in Fuenlabrada, Madrid (2019); the Museum of Art and History of Durango (2018), the BilbaoArte Foundation (2017); the Rekalde Gallery in Bilbao (2016), the Antoni Pinyol Gallery in Reus (2016) or the Windsor Kulturgintza Gallery in Bilbao (2014). Her participation in group exhibitions has included those held in Talka galeria de Vitoria-Gasteiz (2018), "Eginberri" at the Guggenheim Museum Bilbao (2017) and the A del Arte gallery in Zaragoza.
Articles lié(s) à l'artiste
Itzal Aktiboak 15 artisten arte-lanak erakusten ditu Eibarko Portalean
Elkarteko sortzaileak, kide aktiboak, ingurukoak edota Itzal Aktiboa Saria jaso zutenak dira eta orotara 51 obra jarri dutugu ikusgai: margolanak, eskulturak, instalazioak.
October 17, 2020
Zaloa Ipiña awarded
the Itzal aktiboa Prize 2011
Zaloa Ipiña, a young artist living and working in Bilbao, has won the Itzal aktiboa Prize for Contemporary Art for her photograph "Argi distira 7".
March 06, 2012