Verónica Domingo Alonso

Verónica Domingo Alonso is a multidisciplinary artist born in Bilbao in 1989. She holds a Bachelor degree in Fine Arts (2012) from the University of the Basque Country, a Master's Degree in Fine Arts (2013) from Norwich University of the Arts-UK and a MasterÀ€â€šôs Degree in Graphic, Illustration and artistic coinage (2014-2016) at Universidad Castilla la Mancha (UCLM) / Fábrica Nacional de Moneda y Timbre (FNMT). Additionally, she is currently a PhD student at the University of the Basque Country.

She lives and works between Bilbao and Madrid where, in addition to developing her artistic practice, she has been working as curator at GABINETE Art Fair, Works on Paper & Fine Arts in its 2018 and 2019 editions, as well as simultaneously as an organiser at the MADRID Paper Week. Also noteworthy are her previous work as the coordinator of Gabinetes Abiertos and Open Portfolio Complutense in 2017 and her internship in the Conservation and Documentation Department (2016-2017) at The Royal Mint Museum in Madrid. She served as arts-programmer at different galleries during the 2016 and 2017 editions of GABINETE Art Fair.

She has participated in individual and collective exhibitions in different parts across Spain, France, Italy, Germany, Bulgaria, Scotland, England, Turkey and Japan. She is currently teaching printmaking courses in museums and art centres such as BilbaoArte, El Jardinico, Museo del Grabado Español Contemporáneo, etc.

Her work has been published in assorted catalogs and is held in numerous public and private institutions. She is a recipient of awards at both national and international level. In 2013, she won the Itzal Aktiboa Prize for young creators of contemporary art.

Sua eta altzairua

“Sua eta altzairua” kuadriptikoa, egungo errealitatean eta memoria historikoan oinarritua, industria-paisaia erabiltzen du Bilboko espazio-kontzeptuaren irakurketa pertsonala irudikatzeko. Abstrakzioaren eta figurazioaren arteko elkarrizketak zuri-beltzeko irudi-multzo bati bizia ematen dio. Irudi horiek Euskal Herriko fabrika- eta siderurgia-jarduera biziak utzitako aztarnaren adierazgarri dira.

Articles lié(s) à l'artiste


Pantxoa Etchegoin, epaimahai burua eta Euskal Kultur Erakundeko zuzendariak, Veronica Domingo Alonso sariztatzerakoan, honen "lanaren kalitatea, teknika menperatzea eta, margoa, olerkia eta heldutasunaren lokarri bihurtzen den ikuspegi onirikoa eta poetikoa" azpimarratu ditu.

October 21, 2013

Contest participant

Verónica Domingo Alonso

Getxo, 1989

Artists exhibited